In a recent poll conducted by The Economist and YouGov, it was revealed that a whopping 69 percent of Americans believe that the United States would greatly benefit from implementing new restrictions on migration at the southern border. The survey, which questioned 1,671 citizens from February 11-13, clearly showed overwhelming support for curbing the influx of migrants. Talk about a major win for the conservative crowd!
New restrictions on border migration would be good for the United States, says 69% of YouGov poll.
Just 14% say restrictions would be bad.
That's a 5:1 consensus against Mayorkas' sneak migration & labor policies.— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) February 16, 2024
The survey also exposed the deceptive tactics and false promises being peddled by President Joe Biden and the Democrats in their bid to push a pro-migration Senate bill. The bill, touted as a solution to the southern border crisis, was met with skepticism and opposition from Republican senators who refused to fall for the Left’s pro-migration agenda. Republicans for the win, am I right?
It seems like the Democrats’ push for open borders is backfiring, as more and more Americans are no longer afraid to voice their concerns about the negative impact of mass migration on the country. This newfound willingness to openly oppose migration is a direct response to Biden’s weak border policies and his failure to enforce laws, which have resulted in a surge of over six million migrants entering the country. It’s about time someone stood up to the liberal agenda!
The survey also revealed that support for migration curbs extends across different political affiliations, with 88 percent of Donald Trump supporters and a surprising 55 percent of Joe Biden voters expressing approval for the restrictions. Even self-described liberals showed support for curbing migration, with 57 percent in favor of the measures. Looks like common sense is prevailing over blind political allegiance!
Furthermore, the poll highlighted the economic and political consequences of unchecked migration, with 40 percent of Americans acknowledging that migration negatively impacts U.S. politics. This sentiment is reinforced by a report from the Congressional Budget Office, which exposes the detrimental effects of the federal policy of Extraction Migration on family wages and workplace investment. It’s high time the Left woke up to the reality of the disastrous impact of their reckless policies!
The survey results clearly reflect the growing resistance against unchecked migration and the Democrats’ failed border policies. It’s a victory for conservative values and a wake-up call for the current administration to address the concerns of the American people. Let’s hope the Democrats finally listen and take decisive action to secure our southern border and protect the interests of American citizens. Keep fighting the good fight, patriots!