
Adams’ Snow Day Fiasco: Kids Idle as Tech Fails Spectacularly

In a classic case of “Democrats gonna Democrat,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s brilliant plan to eliminate snow days by transitioning to remote learning backfired in a monumental way. It turns out that when you rely on technology, it doesn’t always cooperate. Who would have thought?

According to Politico, over one million students and teachers were left stranded without their virtual classrooms due to a software meltdown during a snowstorm. Despite the best intentions of Mayor Adams, who believed that the computers would magically spring to life for a “synchronous” school day, students and teachers were unable to log on and were left twiddling their thumbs.

Naturally, critics wasted no time in pointing out the sheer idiocy of Adams’s plan. Micah Lasher, a former aide to Governor Kathy Hochul and a seemingly reasonable individual, called the whole thing “incredibly stupid.” And he’s absolutely right! It’s hard to argue with such eloquent analysis.

But who does Adams blame for this technological disaster? IBM, of course! According to the Mayor, they should have been “prepared.” Well, isn’t that rich coming from the guy who thought remote learning was foolproof? Perhaps he should take a moment to reflect on his own lack of preparedness before pointing fingers.

Meanwhile, IBM expressed regret over the inconvenience caused to students and parents. It’s a shame that they had to clean up the mess left by the city’s inept leadership. Maybe next time, they’ll think twice before relying on a company like IBM to handle something as critical as education.

Let’s not forget that this whole debacle started with former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to eliminate snow days back in 2020. Apparently, he believed that the COVID-19 pandemic had rendered snow days obsolete. Well, Mr. de Blasio, I hate to burst your bubble, but technology isn’t infallible, and sometimes kids need a break.

And just when you thought Mayor Adams couldn’t make things worse, he recently forced high school students at James Madison High School to go remote so that illegal immigrants could sleep in the school. It’s clear where his priorities lie, and they certainly don’t align with the well-being and education of American students.

In the end, it’s abundantly clear that the Democrats’ obsession with remote learning is flawed and unrealistic. It’s time to prioritize the needs of our students and give them the education they deserve, snow days and all. But hey, I guess we can at least be grateful that Mayor Adams’s office didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. Can you imagine the spin they would’ve put on this disaster? Sometimes silence truly is golden.

Written by Staff Reports

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