
AOC Targets Justices Thomas and Alito in Impeachment Effort Amid Squad Struggles

Apparently, hell hath no fury like a “Squad” member who keeps fighting lost causes. Having already witnessed her fellow Squad member, Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York, lose his seat in a Democratic primary—after enough anti-Israel rhetoric to fill a speechwriter’s notebook—Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is picking a new fight. This time, she’s targeting Republican-appointed Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

Riding in on her socialist steed, AOC announced her quixotic articles of impeachment against the two most senior justices. According to AOC’s office, this bold move is necessary to address what she calls a “corruption crisis” in the court. Of course, for those keeping score at home, the chances of this succeeding in the Republican-controlled House are about as good as CNN out-rating FOX News. But hey, when you’re floundering for relevance, any action is better than inaction, right?

What has really ruffled AOC’s feathers is the court’s recent ruling granting former President Donald Trump some immunity for his official acts. This ruling clearly did not sit well with her and her “Squad.” With Democrats more focused on trying to put out the dumpster fire that is Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, AOC is hoping this impeachment gambit will distract everyone from Biden’s walk of shame after the June 27 debate debacle.

In her declaration, Ocasio-Cortez accused Justices Thomas and Alito of refusing to recuse themselves from “consequential matters” in front of the court. She claims their personal and financial entanglements pose a grave threat to American rule of law. Thomas, the target of leftist ire for his association with a wealthy friend and his wife’s election beliefs, and Alito, criticized for something as benign as his wife’s flag display, are now facing AOC’s wrath.

During her performance on the House floor, AOC reminded everyone about “traditional standards” requiring judges to step aside if their impartiality might be reasonably questioned. Sounds lovely in theory, almost as lovely as imagining AOC herself grasping the Federalist Papers. In practice, however, this latest effort is as effective as a solar-powered flashlight in a coal mine.

In reality, AOC knows that removal isn’t happening. She admitted as much in an exaggerated, Oscar-worthy oration, still insisting that impeachment is “the right thing to do”. Translation: wasting congressional time and resources on personal vendettas is what’s really upholding democracy. One can only admire the audacity.

So, there you have it. AOC, doing what AOC does best: making noise, spinning wheels, and offering up more spectacle than substance since 2019. As long as her deep-blue constituency in New York City keeps her seat warm, she’ll keep tilting at windmills, imagining they are nine-member conservative dragons.

Written by Staff Reports

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