
Biden Blunders in Condolence Call, Spews False Hero Tales

In a recent tragedy involving a drone attack on an American base in Jordan, three servicemembers tragically lost their lives, and another 25 were injured. It was no surprise that the attack was executed by Iran-backed militias, using a drone manufactured in Iran. The Biden White House has been indecisive in their response to this appalling attack, as they continue to struggle with their failed attempts to appease Tehran.

But wait, there’s more! As if that were not enough, President Joe Biden’s behavior during a condolence call to the families of the fallen soldiers has sparked outrage. Not only did it take him an unreasonable amount of time to pick up the phone, but he also made appalling and false statements about his own son’s death while speaking with the family members of Sergeant Kennedy Sanders, 24. This is not the first time Biden has misrepresented the circumstances of his son Beau’s passing, which actually occurred due to brain cancer in 2015.

In this latest instance, Biden recycled the lie that his son had died in Iraq, even going so far as to claim that Beau was killed in action in Normandy and buried “outside of Paris.” The misleading statements made by the president during the condolence call are not just inarticulate; they are outright disrespectful and dishonest. This behavior is not befitting of the President of the United States, especially when communicating with grieving families who have sacrificed so much for their country.

It’s clear that Joe Biden’s conduct during this condolence call was not only clumsy and insensitive, but also shamefully self-serving. By falsely portraying himself as a “Gold Star parent,” he has crossed a line that should not be approached, let alone crossed. This callous attempt to politicize a tragic situation is not just repulsive; it’s reprehensible. The president’s behavior in this instance is an embarrassing display of insensitivity and dishonesty, and it falls far short of the dignity and respect that should be shown to the families of fallen heroes.

Written by Staff Reports

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