
Biden Copies Trump’s Border Visit: Ice Cream Over Security?

Well, well, well, isn’t Joe Biden quite the copycat? The man who loves to blame everyone else for his own messes has now decided to take a page out of Trump’s book and head to the border. It’s about time he decided to do something about the crisis he helped create with his bumbling decisions. But of course, he couldn’t resist trying to one-up Trump by choosing a different location. Classic Biden move – always trying to steal the spotlight.

And would you look at that, Biden conveniently announces his border trip right after Trump made his plans public. Talk about trying to steal the thunder. But let’s be real, folks, a photo-op at an ice cream parlor in Brownsville doesn’t exactly scream tough action on border security. It’s all show and no substance with this administration. Just like Biden’s favorite flavor of ice cream, vanilla.

Now, let’s talk about the White House’s response to the tragic murder of nursing student Laken Riley by an illegal alien. Their statement was about as pathetic as Biden’s border policy. Instead of taking a stand and holding the perpetrator and his failed immigration policies accountable, they passed the buck to state law enforcement and ICE. Typical Biden move – blame others and wash your hands of any responsibility.

It’s sickening to see how little regard Biden and his cronies have for the safety and security of American citizens. If the murderer had been deported as he should have been under proper immigration enforcement, maybe Laken Riley would still be alive today. But no, Biden’s more concerned about his ice cream outings and deflecting blame than actually doing his job as president. Wake up, America, we deserve better than this incompetence.

Written by Staff Reports

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