
Biden Defies GOP Fury, Sneaks Su Into Labor Dept Despite Senate Stall

President Biden’s persistence in pushing for Julie Su to lead the Department of Labor is raising eyebrows and igniting fury among Republicans. Despite failing to secure the necessary votes for Senate confirmation, Mr. Biden is practically dragging Su into the position of acting labor secretary and keeping her there. And oh boy, is it causing quite the uproar!

Julie Su is stirring the pot by gunning for major changes in the nation’s workforce, including an expansion of the overtime rule that critics argue will send jobs six feet under and wages to the pits. The nerve of this woman!

Congressional Republicans are up in arms, hurling accusations that President Biden is trampling all over the law by keeping Su in charge of the Labor Department. They’re not shy about lashing out either, asserting that Su is the longest-standing cabinet nominee to go without a confirmation vote when the Senate and White House are controlled by the same party. They’re practically begging Biden to pull the plug on her nomination.

But hold on to your hats, folks, because the drama doesn’t end there! Su is supposedly limited to 210 days in her acting cabinet position under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act. It’s like she’s crashing on someone’s couch and wearing out her welcome, yet there she is, issuing new rules left and right. Republicans are warning her that her actions are just begging to be slapped with a lawsuit!

The White House is doubling down, claiming that Su can stay put as acting secretary under the Labor Department’s Succession Act, which conveniently makes an exception to the 210-day limit. Talk about finding loopholes!

To add fuel to the fire, Su already faced opposition from her own party. Moderates are turning up their noses at her too, and even Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer won’t give her the time of day. It seems like nobody wants to play ball with Su, and she’s left standing in the corner with no one willing to give her a chance.

And what’s the deal with Su’s past antics in California? She was the mastermind behind California’s AB5, which stirred up a hornet’s nest by reclassifying independent contractors as employees. It was so unpopular that the state and a voter referendum had to swoop in and make a bunch of exceptions. If that’s what she did at the state level, imagine the chaos she could wreak on a national scale!

To top it all off, Su is trying to revive an Obama-era expansion of overtime pay eligibility that got slapped down in court. Critics argue that her proposed rule would put the squeeze on employee work flexibility, hack away at benefits, and create a bureaucratic nightmare. The nerve of this woman, trying to force her radical ideas on hardworking Americans!


Written by Staff Reports

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