
Biden Legitimacy Crumbles as Voter Doubts Skyrocket

As the country gears up for another election, many Americans are still scratching their heads over the 2020 election results. A recent poll from The Washington Post has revealed that the number of voters casting doubt on President Joe Biden’s victory continues to grow, and for good reason!

In the survey, a whopping 1,024 adults were asked whether they believed Biden’s election as president was legitimate. Shockingly, only 62 percent of those polled in 2023 said they think Biden’s win was above board, a significant drop from the 69 percent who believed in the legitimacy of the election back in 2021. It seems that the more time passes, the more suspicious voters become about the whole affair.

What’s even more jaw-dropping is the breakdown of these numbers by party. Believe it or not, even Democrats are starting to question the legitimacy of Biden’s win, with a drop from 94 percent to 91 percent in those who still believe in his victory. And let’s not even get started on the Republicans – their faith in the election results has plummeted from 39 percent to a measly 31 percent. It’s as if the Democrats and Republicans are finally finding some common ground…in disbelief!

But wait, there’s more! Independents, those notorious fence-sitters, are also faltering in their conviction, dropping from 72 percent to 66 percent in their belief in Biden’s legitimacy. It’s enough to make you wonder if anyone will be left standing by the time the next election rolls around!

To add fuel to the fire, The Washington Post has the audacity to blame these worrisome poll results on “conspiracy theorists,” as if the American people aren’t capable of forming their own opinions. They point fingers at those who have raised concerns about voter fraud and dismiss them as mere conspiracy theorists. It’s clear that the liberal media will stop at nothing to silence dissent and make it seem like everything is sunshine and rainbows in the political arena.

And as if things couldn’t get any more absurd, a left-wing article had the nerve to suggest that Republicans are becoming more sympathetic to the January 6th Capitol rioters and are absolving Donald Trump of his responsibility for the attack. The nerve! According to the poll, only 24 percent of Republicans and 17 percent of Trump voters believe that the events of January 6th were an “attack on democracy that should never be forgotten.” Can you believe the audacity of these insinuations? It’s as if the left won’t rest until they’ve convinced the entire country that the events of January 6th were the worst thing to ever happen in the history of the United States.

Clearly, the disbelief and skepticism surrounding the 2020 election results are not going away anytime soon. With each passing day, more and more Americans are waking up to the reality that something fishy may have indeed gone down in 2020. It’s time for the powers that be to stop sweeping these concerns under the rug and start giving the people the answers they deserve!

Written by Staff Reports

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