
Biden Pours $1.7 Billion into EV Plants, Aims to Transform Auto Industry

President Biden’s administration is at it again, tossing a cool $1.7 billion into the electric vehicle (EV) pit as part of their relentless push to make Americans embrace EVs. The Department of Energy plans to convert 11 shuttered or “at-risk” auto manufacturing plants across eight states into EV factories. Take note, states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, and Virginia — your auto legacy is getting a green makeover, courtesy of the progressive agenda.

Biden’s Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, claims this investment will “save” 15,000 American jobs and create an additional 2,900 new ones, predominantly filled by union members. Apparently, the administration thinks that union jobs and EV assembly lines are the magic formula to reignite America’s manufacturing prowess. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump, an ardent critic of the EV delusion, continues to warn Americans about the economic hazards of Biden’s green fantasy.

In a predictable lullaby of recycled promises, Biden asserts that this handout will help auto companies “retool, reboot, and rehire” in old manufacturing hotspots from Michigan to Georgia. This, he boldly claims, is redemption for the Rust Belt workers supposedly abandoned by the previous administration. Trump, however, remains a thorn in the side of the green revolution, decrying Biden’s excessive EV focus as a direct assault on the American auto industry and a boon for foreign nations with questionable intentions.

The Biden administration insists this EV venture will generate a whopping $3.9 billion economic impact while hitting climate change targets. John Podesta and other climate aficionados in the administration are quick to champion the creation of a “clean energy economy” that they assure will lift all boats, from high-performance vehicle fantasies to astonishing healthcare improvements.

However, there’s still a murky fog over critical details—when will these projects actually start? The elusive timeline conveniently remains vague, contingent on “negotiations” with grant recipients and environmental checks. Sadly, the fine print reveals possible bureaucratic chaos, with grants dangling like carrots that may be yanked at any whim, subject to the administration’s arbitrary milestones and reviews.

Interestingly, not all of the mentioned facilities will stick to electric avenues. Some might explore hybrid or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, with schools buses and motorcycles part of the mix. Companies like Blue Bird, Fiat Chrysler, General Motors, Harley Davidson, and Volvo Technology are lining up for a piece of this taxpayer-funded pie.

Biden’s attempt to counter Trump claims about Chinese dominance in EV production with a beefed-up tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum imports might sound tough on paper. However, the efficacy of this move remains a question mark in the grand scheme of global trade.

As election season gets hotter, swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia are in the crosshairs. With Biden pouring a green wave of subsidies and Trump fiercely defending American traditional manufacturing, workers in these critical states will soon face a pivotal decision. Choose wisely, America; the future of your jobs and industries depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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