
Bidenomics Crashes: Majority of Americans Now Worse Off!

According to a recent survey from Rasmussen, it appears that the so-called “Bidenomics” of the Biden administration have not been a saving grace for the country’s economy. In fact, nearly half of Americans surveyed, a whopping 45 percent, say that they are worse off financially than they were just a year ago. Ouch! That’s definitely not what the Biden administration wants to hear.

But wait, it gets worse (for them, at least). Only 23 percent of Americans say they are better off economically, leaving a glaring 22-point gap between those who have seen improvement and those who have not. Maybe it’s time for the Biden administration to take a step back and reevaluate their economic policies.

One of the major reasons for this economic downturn is none other than inflation, or as Biden’s critics like to call it, “Bidenflation.” The cost of goods and services has been steadily increasing, with consumer prices rising 3.1 percent in the 12 months leading up to November alone. Since Biden took office, consumer prices have skyrocketed by a staggering 16.8 percent. Yikes!

Sure, average hourly wages have seen some growth, increasing by 14.3 percent since Biden became president. But here’s the catch: it’s still not enough to keep up with inflation. Workers are finding themselves falling further and further behind, as their wages trail behind rising prices. It’s a tough pill to swallow.

Unsurprisingly, the survey also reveals a deep political divide on this issue. Democrats, who often champion the Biden administration’s policies, are much more likely to say they are better off. Meanwhile, only 18 percent of Republicans and a mere 13 percent of Americans not affiliated with a major party report improved financial situations. It seems like political allegiances are clouding people’s perceptions of the economic reality.

Interestingly, there is also a racial divide in people’s economic outlook. While 32 percent of black Americans say they are worse off than a year ago, a higher percentage of whites (45 percent) and other minorities (55 percent) share the same sentiment. It goes to show that economic struggles don’t discriminate based on race.

Overall, this survey paints a pretty grim picture for the Biden administration. Americans are feeling the economic squeeze, and it’s clear that the administration’s economic policies aren’t living up to the lofty promises. If “Bidenomics” truly is the answer, it’s time to show some real results.

Written by Staff Reports

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