
Biden’s $230M Gaza Pier Fiasco Sinks Amid Criticism and Chaos

President Joe Biden’s ill-fated $230 million pier project in Gaza is setting sail for the history books—on a boat riddled with holes. What was intended as a humanitarian lifeline has instead become yet another symbol of this administration’s ineptitude. CNN, in an uncharacteristically candid moment, called it “plagued with problems since its inception.” Big surprise there.

Biden’s brainchild, heralded in his State of the Union address back in March, was supposed to be a game-changer for delivering aid to civilians displaced by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. For the president, it was another high-stakes gamble to bolster his floundering foreign policy credentials. However, the encore was an embarrassment rivaling some third-rate soap opera cliffhanger.

The project was fraught with issues from the get-go. Built in the chaotic backdrop of a war zone, the pier was supposed to dodge rockets and bullets to deliver aid—but it ended up delivering little more than a headache. American funds were burned faster than a California wildfire, and U.S. military personnel were needlessly put at risk. As if the Mediterranean had not thrown enough challenges, relentless looting made sure that whatever paltry aid managed to get through never reached those in need.

Reports this Tuesday revealed what any sane observer could have predicted: the pier is slated for permanent disassembly. It will briefly resume operations just long enough to clear a backlog of supplies from Cyprus before being taken apart and hauled away. Experts from CNN and the Associated Press confirmed the pier’s demise, noting that it was crippled by everything from heavy seas to persistent security threats, not to mention being under literal fire from Hamas.

But don’t miss the establishment media’s spin. The Associated Press implied that the security threats were due to ongoing Israeli attacks on Hamas. By their logic, it’s apparently not the fault of the terrorists, who are notorious for using civilians as human shields. Once again, the media conveniently glosses over the root cause—terrorism—to focus on its favored narrative.

The Gaza pier project is a potent microcosm of Biden’s presidency. It squandered taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars, embarrassed the greatest military force in history, and achieved absolutely nothing other than making America look foolish. It even managed to create another wedge issue, as the president’s attempt to placate the pro-Hamas faction within his own party backfired spectacularly.

In the end, this ill-conceived pier serves only as another reminder of Biden’s failed leadership. Let’s hope that come next November, America makes a better choice and ensures that the Biden administration’s legacy follows that defunct pier into the annals of history.

Written by Staff Reports

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