
Biden’s Border Blunder: 13M+ Illegals, Chinese Security Risks Rise

The Biden Administration's handling of immigration has become increasingly alarming, with reports indicating that the number of illegal aliens in the United States has surpassed 13 million. This staggering figure, larger than the entire population of some countries, is attributed to President Joe Biden's controversial open-border policies.

A recent report by Steven Camarota, the research director for the Center for Immigration Studies, reveals that the number of "gotaways" at the border, individuals slipping past authorities and entering the U.S. illegally, has reached a record high. Camarota estimates that nearly 50 million foreign-born citizens are now in the country, marking the highest percentage of foreign-born immigrants in American history.

The actual number may even surpass reported figures, with Camarota suggesting that the estimate could be off by a million or two. This underscores the Biden Administration's apparent lack of control over the border, as illegal crossings under Biden surpass those seen during the administrations of Obama and Bush.

Adding to the complexity, NewsNation recently reported encounters with Chinese migrants in California, indicating a broadening spectrum of nationalities attempting illegal entry. The footage aligns with Customs and Border Protection data showing an increase in encounters with Chinese migrants. Experts warn that this situation exposes the country to potential security threats, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive response.

Furthermore, concerns about national security are heightened by revelations from Gordon Chang, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, regarding pro-Iran elements within the State Department and National Security Council. The Biden Administration's grant of clemency to five Iranian operatives, three of whom were released into the U.S., raises questions about the potential risk to American lives. This, coupled with ongoing Secret Service protection for mid-level Trump officials due to threats of assassination by Iranian operatives, underscores the vulnerability created by perceived weaknesses in national security policies.

In light of these challenges, the call for strong leadership and accountability is growing. Critics argue that the Biden Administration's open-border approach is causing chaos and jeopardizing national security. There is a plea for a reevaluation of policies to prioritize the safety and well-being of American citizens, emphasizing the need for effective leadership to address the complexities of immigration and national security.








Written by Staff Reports

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