
Biden’s Border Fiasco: 300,000 Illegals Flood US in One Month!

President Biden’s border crisis is reaching new heights, and it’s about time people start paying attention. The media may be too busy obsessing over the Israel war and the House of Representatives’ dysfunction, but the reality is that our southern border is spiraling out of control. It’s truly mind-boggling to think that Biden has presided over the worst illegal immigration influx in our nation’s history. And if you thought it couldn’t get any worse, think again.

In September alone, there were nearly 270,000 encounters at the border, the highest level ever recorded. And that’s not even counting the tens of thousands of “got-aways” who slipped through undetected. It’s almost certain that over 300,000 illegal immigrants entered the United States last month. Just let that sink in for a moment. We’re talking about a population larger than Delaware, and that’s just in a single year. But what’s even more infuriating is that many of these individuals are simply being released into our country, with some facing court dates that won’t be happening anytime soon. It’s an absolute failure of our immigration system.

Let’s compare this to the last year of the Trump administration when illegal encounters were kept under half a million thanks to successful policies and deterrents. In Biden’s first year, that number quadrupled, and it only went downhill from there. The Biden administration wants us to believe that the border is “closed” and “secure,” but it’s clear that they are ignoring the facts. The border crisis is real, and it’s time they start taking responsibility for their actions.

And it’s not just about the numbers. Under Biden’s parole regime, hundreds of thousands of migrants have been granted access to the United States, with no clear plan to remove them. They are given parole status, allowing them to apply for work permits and potentially stay in the country for years. This is a massive loophole that the Biden administration is exploiting, despite federal law stating that parole should only be granted on a case-by-case basis for significant public benefit or urgent humanitarian reasons. It’s a slap in the face to law-abiding citizens and a failure to protect our borders.

But the most concerning part of all this is the fact that we have no idea who these people are. The US government has admitted that they have no clue about the identities of nearly two million individuals who have entered the country illegally during the Biden administration. We can’t even properly vet these individuals or determine if any of them are on the terror watch list. It’s a national security nightmare, and it’s unacceptable.

Thankfully, the American people are waking up to this crisis. A majority of registered voters, including Democrats and Biden voters, believe that current border security measures are not strict enough. And support for building a border wall has reached a record high, with 57% of Americans in favor of it. Even Hispanic and Black voters are showing support for the wall, contrary to what past polling had suggested. It’s clear that the American people want strong borders and real solutions to this crisis.

Even in traditionally pro-illegal-immigration cities like Chicago, residents are pushing back against the idea of a tent city for illegal migrants in their neighborhoods. These are not your typical right-wing demonstrators, as some would like to paint them. These are ordinary people, including Hispanics and people of color, who understand the impact of unchecked illegal immigration on their communities. It’s time for politicians to start listening to their constituents and taking action.

President Biden’s border crisis cannot be ignored any longer. It’s time for decisive leadership, effective policies, and a true commitment to securing our borders. Our nation’s sovereignty and the safety of our citizens depend on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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