
Biden’s Confusion and Missteps During Meeting with Kenyan President Raise Concerns

Joe Biden met with Kenyan President William Ruto at the White House, but things quickly turned confusing. The reporters asked Biden about his promise to visit Africa, and he responded snippily. Biden also made a strange comment about the ambassador to Kenya during a meeting with business leaders.

During the formal state greeting, Biden appeared confused and had trouble finding his place on stage for the anthems. His awkward walk and demeanor stood in contrast to Ruto’s confident presence. This display of clumsiness is reminiscent of Biden’s previous awkward interactions with world leaders, such as his visit to Great Britain.

In his speech, Biden praised Kenya for its use of clean energy but failed to mention the country’s struggles with regular blackouts due to instability. This highlights the disconnect between Democratic ideals and real-world challenges. It raises questions about Biden’s understanding of energy policies and their practical implications.

Perhaps the most notable moment was when Jill, Biden’s handler, tried to keep him on track during a balcony appearance with Ruto. Her efforts to usher him inside underscored concerns about Biden’s ability to stay focused and on schedule. As the day continued with a press conference and a state dinner, Biden appeared fatigued and worn out, raising doubts about his stamina for the demands of the presidency.

Overall, Biden’s meeting with the Kenyan president showcased a series of missteps and challenges that underscore his weaknesses as a leader. It is crucial for voters to consider these factors when evaluating his fitness for office.

Written by Staff Reports

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