
Biden’s Fundraising Flop: Lagging Behind Trump While Dollars Plummet!

Oh boy, hold onto your MAGA hats because it looks like Sleepy Joe Biden just can’t keep up with the Big Daddy of fundraising, our very own Donald J. Trump! According to The New York Times, it turns out that Biden’s campaign only managed to scrape together a measly $97 million in the last quarter of 2023, while Trump raked in a whopping $154 million during the same period in 2020. That’s right, folks, Uncle Joe is lagging behind like a slowpoke in a race against the Trump train!

But wait, it gets worse. When you take into account the dreaded inflation monster, Biden’s numbers look even more pitiful. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that a dollar today is worth 20% less than it was back in January 2020. So basically, Biden’s campaign is trying to brag about raising less money while the value of each dollar has plummeted. Talk about a triple whammy of failure!

And it’s no wonder that Biden’s fundraising is tanking. The American people aren’t stupid, folks. They see right through his disastrous handling of inflation. According to a Monmouth University poll, only 28% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of inflation. Ouch! That’s gotta sting. It’s clear that his socialist policies are leading us down a path of economic ruin, and the voters are not happy about it.

But here’s the kicker, folks. Despite Biden’s low approval ratings, his campaign wants us to believe that they’re still popular because they received donations from a whopping 520,000 unique donors. Well, color me unimpressed. It seems like the only ones interested in propping up Biden are the wealthy elites and Hollywood snobs. I mean, they managed to squeeze out a sweet $15 million in just one weekend of fundraising in fancy-pants Los Angeles. Talk about out of touch!

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is keeping their quarter four donation numbers under wraps for now. But mark my words, folks, it’s gonna be big. After all, we’ve got the support of the hardworking American people who know that Trump is the true champion of the people. And while Biden might be swimming in cash, Republicans are spending their money wisely, investing over $100 million in ads in Iowa alone. We’re playing the long game, folks, and it’s gonna pay off big time.

It’s clear that Biden’s campaign is struggling to keep up with the fundraising powerhouse that is the Trump camp. His low approval ratings and lackluster numbers reflect the discontent felt by the American people. So buckle up, folks, because the Trump train is charging full steam ahead, and there’s no stopping it now!

Written by Staff Reports

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