
Biden’s Inflated Economic Claims Unmasked by New Report

Biden’s economic charade gets a well-deserved spotlight as new revelations expose the truth behind the so-called improvements in wholesale sales and inventories. Despite the Biden administration parading around with claims of rising numbers, a closer look reveals that inflation – or as some like to call it, “Bidenflation” – is the only thing bringing any real lift to the table.

Under the Biden-Harris regime, any gains in metrics that the administration boasts about are largely just numbers on paper, bloated by inflation. A report from Heritage Foundation economist EJ Antoni uncovers the dismal reality behind the façade. While the sales figures for wholesalers claimed a sensational 25.4% increase, it turns out nearly 90% of that was simply inflation hiking prices. This isn’t an economic victory; it’s the same old smoke and mirrors that have characterized Biden’s mishandling of the economy since day one.

According to Antoni, after accounting for actual price changes, the real increase in wholesaler sales is a meager 2.9% over four years. Even more astonishing is the decline of 7% from the March 2022 peak. This lackluster performance is something the Democrats seem intent on hiding as they twist the narrative about a thriving economy. It’s as if they think the American people are too naïve to see through their gimmicks, but as inflation continues to burn a hole through wallets, that is clearly far from the case. 


It’s particularly rich that while stores might have larger inventories, it’s largely just their products getting more expensive, inflating their worth in a purely nominal sense. The average consumer? Still feeling the pinch every time they pull out their wallet which, thanks to inflation, isn’t nearly as full as it used to be. The so-called inventory increase is little more than a Saturday night special in a casino, with the house always coming ahead while the players lose.

In another painful jab at the Biden administration’s credibility, Antoni revealed that figures regarding wage growth were similarly misleading. Reportedly, hourly wages grew, but revised numbers show that after inflation, workers actually experienced a loss in purchasing power. In Biden’s America, getting poorer while being told you’re better off has become a cruel joke that most of the nation isn’t laughing at anymore.

Moving forward, the Trump administration has its work cut out. It wouldn’t hurt to remember that real economic growth comes from reducing government spending and adopting policies that prioritize American manufacturing—yes, making things in America again rather than relying on inflation-boosting ledger games. The Democrats have shown how little they care about real progress, leaving the door wide open for a genuine conservative economic revival to turn this ship around.

Written by Staff Reports

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