
Biden’s Mask Slips: Radical Left Agenda Exposed!

Biden the “Moderate” is a Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

Joe Biden’s masquerade as a moderate is truly an Oscar-worthy performance. The man who campaigned on uniting the nation and finding common ground has left those promises at the door of the Oval Office. When it comes to guns, abortion, and pretty much anything else, Biden has veered so far to the left he could give Bernie Sanders a run for his money.

Take his stance on guns, for instance. Biden has a history of supporting restrictive gun control measures, and now he’s bent on ensuring law-abiding Americans face even more hurdles in exercising their Second Amendment rights. His administration is chomping at the bit to enforce extensive background checks, an assault weapons ban, and even mandatory buybacks. Forget about defending yourself or your family; Biden’s playing nanny and deciding what you shouldn’t own.

On the abortion front, the “moderate” mask slips further off. Biden has shown unwavering support for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Biden’s administration advocates for taxpayer-funded abortion, a move that forces Americans who hold pro-life beliefs to contribute to something they find morally reprehensible. This stance isn’t just far from moderate; it’s a hard-line position that disregards the convictions of millions of Americans. 


As for other policy areas, Biden’s approach reveals his true colors as well. Immigration? He’s tossed out any semblance of border control, suggesting that secure borders are a problem rather than a priority. He seems more concerned with appeasing progressive activists than addressing the real issues facing the country.

It’s clear that Biden’s talk of moderation is merely a ruse. It’s a page taken straight from the liberal playbook: say one thing to get elected and do another once in power. The guise of moderation is simply a Trojan horse, allowing radical policies to storm through under a cloak of compromise and unity.

Americans should be wary of Biden’s so-called moderation. It’s nothing but a smokescreen designed to trap unsuspecting voters into accepting an agenda that is anything but balanced. Whether it’s gun control, abortion, or immigration, Biden’s policies are a stark reminder that actions speak louder than pre-election promises.

Written by Staff Reports

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