
Biden’s Media Minions: Orchestrating a Trump Smear Fest?

The Biden campaign has been caught red-handed cozying up to the establishment media, trying to manipulate them into reporting on what they want to hear. Yep, that’s right, folks. The Biden team has been holding off-the-record meetings with big-shot reporters and editors to give them a secret “report card” on their coverage of the administration. Can you believe it? The nerve of these guys!

It seems like the Biden bunch has been whining and complaining that the media isn’t doing enough to bash Trump and is too focused on reporting on his so-called “legal attacks” instead of his rambunctious comments. Can you imagine? They’re basically telling these news outlets, “Hey, you need to start smearing Trump more and less of that pesky truth-telling stuff!”

And get this, the New York Times and the Washington Post are both in on it! These big-name media moguls are actually sitting down with Biden’s lackeys and listening to them whine about their coverage. It’s like they’re taking orders from the Biden campaign!

But guess what – this shady behavior shouldn’t come as a surprise. I mean, according to Gallup polling, only 32 percent of Americans actually trust the establishment media “a great deal” or “a fair amount.” And a whopping 50 percent believe that the national media is out to mislead, misinform, and persuade the public. You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to see that the media is in cahoots with the Biden camp.

To top it all off, Biden has the audacity to scold the media for not reporting on his economic plans the “right way.” He thinks he can just dictate how the news is reported? Give us a break, Joe! The truth is, Biden’s economy is in shambles, and the American people are not buying into his big-government agenda.

So, there you have it, folks. The Biden team is cozying up to the establishment media, trying to manipulate the news to fit their narrative. But we won’t be fooled, and neither should you! Stay tuned for more eye-opening revelations about the biased media and the Biden administration’s desperate attempts to control the narrative. And remember, don’t believe everything you read in the mainstream news!

Written by Staff Reports

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