
Biden’s Policies Could Hand Middle East Control to Iran Warns Ex-Pentagon Chief

The specter of handing over the Middle East to Iran is looming larger as the Biden administration continues to pursue its bewildering policies. Former Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has struck an alarm bell, warning that the current administration’s intentions are tantamount to rolling out a welcome mat for Tehran while simultaneously planning a military retreat from Iraq.

This administration seems bent on abandoning the U.S. military mission aimed at defeating ISIS, a move Miller says could allow Iran to play puppet master across the region. By drawing down U.S. forces, the Biden team may inadvertently facilitate connections among Iran’s proxy terror groups in Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria, creating a network of threats. With Iran already emboldened, this suggests trouble ahead, particularly for a stalwart ally like Israel, which is actively defending itself against attacks from Hezbollah, Iran’s attack dog.

Recent events have showcased the volatile situation. Israeli airstrikes reportedly targeted Hezbollah rocket launch sites, a response to escalating threats following the tragic October 7 attack on Israel. Meanwhile, Iran’s supporting cast, such as the Houthis in Yemen, have taken to disrupting global shipping, a not-so-subtle reminder that the regime’s influence stretches far beyond fragile borders.

Miller’s concerns shouldn’t fall on deaf ears. He alludes to a potential secret arrangement between the Biden administration and Iran, suggesting that it could make Iran a “huge winner” in this sordid game of foreign policy. In perhaps a bid to prevent Iranian hostilities towards Israel, it’s suggested that the Biden administration is knocking on the door of reviving the disastrous nuclear deal that President Trump wisely exited. This deal, remember, did little more than offer Iran a temporary timeout in their pursuit of nuclear weapons while handing them substantial financial resources.

The irony is rich. With Biden’s team seemingly ready to appease Iran, they remain under the delusion that a return to the Obama-era nuclear deal would stabilize the region. One does not need a crystal ball to see the folly in this; the Biden administration’s attempts to curry favor with Iran have produced nothing but a more aggressive regime on the brink of nuclear capability again. Reports indicate that instead of calming the waters, the Iranian regime is ramping up its nuclear program, showcasing the complete failure of this diplomatic approach.

This disappointing trajectory may conjure up memories of the hasty and chaotic exit from Afghanistan, which left a vacuum ripe for exploitation by ISIS and al-Qaeda. Critics are swift to draw parallels between the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and the debacle in Afghanistan, emphasizing the stark vulnerabilities created by such retreats. While the government juggles discussions about future operations in Iraq against the backdrop of Iranian-backed attacks on U.S. forces, it becomes abundantly clear that the White House’s strategies leave much to be desired. As the threat of terrorism swells, the Biden administration’s approach only serves to bolster the very foes they purport to combat, proving that they are more interested in verbal gymnastics than in actual solutions.

Written by Staff Reports

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