
Blame Shifter-in-Chief! Biden Scolds Trump in Border Circus Act

President Joe Biden’s border debacle continues as he shamelessly tries to blame former President Donald Trump for the ongoing immigration crisis. In a speech in Brownsville, Texas, Biden had the audacity to call out Trump, urging him to join forces in pushing Congress to pass border legislation. Biden even had the nerve to claim that the proposed bill is “the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country’s ever seen.” As if Trump, the man who made “build the wall” a rallying cry, would ever hop on board with such liberal nonsense.

Not content to stop at throwing shade at Trump, Biden also took a jab at House Republicans, urging them to “show a little spine” on the border issue. The nerve of this guy! It’s like he forgets that it’s his party that’s been pushing for open borders and suggesting the abolishment of ICE. And now he has the gall to call out Republicans for not supporting his so-called “bipartisan” bill? Please.

But the comedic gold doesn’t stop there. While Biden was spewing his blame game in Brownsville, Trump was doing the same in Eagle Pass, with both of them pointing fingers at each other for the border crisis. It’s like a bad episode of a reality TV show, but unfortunately, this is real life, folks.

And let’s not forget the cherry on top – the press secretary’s response to criticism of Biden speaking in a city with minimal immigrant activity, as opposed to the hot crossing spots. The press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, had the nerve to deflect by implying that it’s all Trump’s fault and that House Republicans haven’t helped the border situation. Classic liberal playbook move – when in doubt, blame the other side.

But wait, there’s more! As if Biden’s border blame game weren’t enough, he’s also slinging mud at the top House Republicans, stating that the border patrol “desperately needs more resources” and claiming that the bipartisan border security deal is a win for America. The audacity of these claims is truly mind-boggling, especially considering the record levels of border crossings since Biden took office.

And of course, like any good magician, Biden loves to distract from his failures by touting the need for legislation and downplaying his own executive orders that have exacerbated the crisis. It’s like he thinks the American people have collective amnesia and will conveniently forget about his slew of immigration-related executive orders and policy changes that have led to the surge in illegal immigration. But we see through the smoke and mirrors, Mr. President.

In the end, Biden’s attempts to shift the blame and paint himself as the savior of border security are a laughable charade. It’s clear that his administration’s policies have only served to worsen the immigration crisis, and no amount of finger-pointing and grandstanding will change that.

Written by Staff Reports

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