Black Lives Matter is facing major heat after rapper Lil Yachty called the group a “scam” on a YouTube cooking show. He said BLM leaders “bought mansions” with donation money instead of helping people. The group fired back, saying Yachty is “drinking the white supremacist Kool-Aid.” But the facts don’t look good for BLM.
Records show BLM blew through $90 million in donations after George Floyd’s death. Only $30 million went to charity. The rest paid for fancy homes, big salaries, and “consulting fees” to friends of the founders. One leader bought a $6 million mansion in Los Angeles. Another got $2 million for “security.” Families of police shooting victims say BLM used their pain to get rich.
A top Republican congressman is demanding the FBI crack down. He says BLM leaders should be “in handcuffs” for wasting donations. The IRS is investigating BLM for hiding how they spent money. Lawsuits claim $10 million vanished into leaders’ pockets. Even liberal news outlets admit BLM’s finances are a mess.
Conservatives say this proves BLM was never about helping black communities. It was a money grab by radical activists. While honest Americans donated to fight racism, BLM bigwigs lived like kings. Now the truth is coming out – and taxpayers want justice. The GOP is right to push for answers. If BLM has nothing to hide, they should open their books. Until then, every dollar they took looks stolen.