
Colin Jost WHCD Routine Highlights Media Bias, Fails to Mock Biden

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner should be a time for lighthearted humor, but it’s difficult to find objectivity when the media cozies up to the very politicians they are meant to hold accountable. With media outlets predominantly leaning left, the bias is already apparent. It’s no wonder that alleged comedians like Colin Jost struggled to connect with the audience at the event.

Jost’s routine attempted to paint Joe Biden as a successful president, despite numerous shortcomings in his administration. Instead of poking fun at Biden’s gaffes or policy mishaps, Jost regurgitated Democratic talking points about Biden’s supposed achievements. This kind of blatant propaganda does a disservice to the American people who deserve honest and critical journalism.

One of the few attempts at humor in Jost’s routine fell flat as he remarked on losing his “black support” in solidarity with Biden. This tepid jab at Biden’s lackluster approval ratings exemplifies Jost’s reluctance to challenge the status quo. Rather than holding those in power accountable, Jost wasted precious comedic opportunities on stale political rhetoric.

The New York Times even criticized Jost’s performance, acknowledging its lackluster reception. Jost’s fixation on portraying Trump as a looming threat further underscores the left-leaning bias prevalent in mainstream media. By perpetuating unfounded fears about Trump’s influence, Jost and his ilk only alienate potential voters who see through such manipulative tactics.


Written by Staff Reports

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