
Colorado Judges Play Puppet Master: Ebullient Voters Beware!

According to a report by Bradley Jaye, the Colorado Supreme Court has made a ruling stating that former President Donald Trump cannot appear on the ballot for the presidency in 2024 due to the Constitution’s ‘Insurrection Clause.’ Now, let’s ignore the fact that accusing Trump of insurrection is absolutely laughable. He has not been convicted of anything, let alone insurrection. Insurrection is a serious crime that requires a conviction by a jury. Yet, these four judges have decided to rule against a former president as if he were already guilty. 

But it’s not just about Trump. It’s about the people of this great nation. By dictating who we can and cannot vote for, these judges are taking away our right to choose our own representation. They are disenfranchising millions of Americans with the stroke of a pen. It’s a blatant disregard for the Rule of Law and the democratic process. These judges are essentially telling us that our voices don’t matter, that they know better than we do who should lead our country. 

What’s even more concerning is the slippery slope that this ruling sets. All it takes is a simple accusation and suddenly they can make someone ineligible for public office. It’s a weaponization of the legal system for political purposes. The left and the media have already twisted the meaning of “insurrection” to include any form of right-leaning protest. Meanwhile, groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter are allowed to engage in actual violence and destruction without consequence.

If the left can get away with this, they will continue to push the boundaries of what they can control. Their only concern is achieving their desired ends, regardless of the means. 

Written by Staff Reports

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