
Democrat Donor Arrested for Allegedly Targeting Trump at Golf Club

A North Carolina man has taken being a Democrat to a whole new level by allegedly attempting to turn an afternoon round of golf into a wild west showdown—targeting none other than former President Donald Trump. Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58-year-old roofing contractor, has been arrested for reportedly pulling an AK-47-style weapon on Trump at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. One has to wonder if Routh believed it was a “shooting range” rather than a golf course.

What’s even more astonishing is Routh’s impressive track record as a donor to the Democrat Party, as evidenced by his contributions of over $100 through ActBlue. Various progressive candidates have benefited from his patronage, including the likes of Tom Steyer, Andrew Yang, and that poster child for everything wrong with modern politics, Beto O’Rourke. Apparently, this fellow went from a relative nobody to the center of a bizarre assassination attempt, all while shuffling through the Democratic primaries in North Carolina.


In a classic case of split loyalty, Routh had once supported Trump in 2016, only to undergo a shocking reversal by 2020. His transformation into a disgruntled Democrat seems to be fueled by disappointment—not with the party’s failure to deliver, which typically plagues most liberal voters—but rather with a man who once represented an alternate vision for America. By 2020, he was publicly lamenting about Trump, claiming that he was “getting worse” as if he expected a career politician to suddenly reshape the political landscape overnight.

In a most captivating twist, Routh also fancied himself a foreign policy expert as he wandered off to Ukraine post-Russian invasion. It seems the man who can’t keep his basement in order was ready to step into an international conflict, boasting about recruiting former Afghan allies. Clearly, Routh believes he’s on the front lines of “good versus evil,” puffing himself up as a self-appointed savior—a modern-day Don Quixote gallivanting into eastern Europe.

While Routh’s son Oran touted his father’s soft-hearted nature as a “loving and caring father,” it raises questions about what constitutes “loving” when you’re pointing an automatic weapon at someone. The family seems to think this erratic move in Florida is totally out of character for dear ol’ dad, suggesting that perhaps the warm weather has unleashed some latent passion for dramatics. Routh’s journey from donor to alleged assassin has turned him into a liberal spectacle—a character straight out of a screenplay where nothing makes sense and the protagonists are failing epically at known realities.

The events surrounding Routh might just serve as a glowing reminder that not everyone who has the misfortune of voting Democrat is wholly sane. The jury is out on Routh’s future, but one speculation runs strong: he’s not likely to be the poster child for the “Come Together” campaign any time soon.

Written by Staff Reports

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Would-be Trump Assassin’s Bizarre Double Life from Ukraine to Golf Course Arrest