
Democrats Splurge $500M COVID Relief on Illegals! Taxpayers Betrayed?

The liberal loonies strike again, this time using over $500 million of COVID-19 relief funds to line the pockets of illegal immigrants! Can you believe it? These Democrats are so desperate to pander for votes that they’re throwing money at lawbreakers and calling it pandemic relief! It’s like they’re rewarding people for breaking the law! Outrageous!

The largest chunk of this absurdity came from Washington state, where they handed out a whopping $3,075 to over 100,000 undocumented immigrants. That’s a grand total of $340 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds, straight into the hands of lawbreakers. And of course, the spineless folks in charge tried to defend this madness by claiming it was to help communities of color and immigrants. Give me a break!

Illinois and Chicago joined in on the madness, dishing out a combined $86.5 million in ARP funds for cash payments to illegal immigrants. And get this, Chicago even proudly advertised that they wouldn’t ask any questions about citizenship or immigration status. What a joke! They’re practically encouraging more people to break the law and cash in on taxpayer money.

Not to be outdone, New Jersey chipped in a cool $60 million for cash payments worth $2,000 per person, or up to $4,000 per household, all for those they deemed “excluded” residents. Can you believe the nerve of these politicians, using fancy words like “excluded” to cover up the fact that they’re handing out our hard-earned money to people who shouldn’t even be in the country in the first place?

And it doesn’t stop there – Boston, Denver, and Washington, D.C. also threw millions of ARP dollars at their immigration surges. D.C., in particular, designated a staggering $26 million to help with their crisis, as if they’re somehow entitled to our money to clean up their own mess.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, the southern border has been flooded with historic crossings, with over 785,000 encounters in the first quarter of fiscal 2024. This is what happens when the Democrats turn a blind eye to our immigration laws and throw money at lawbreakers. It’s time to put an end to this insanity and hold these politicians accountable for squandering our tax dollars on their political games.

Written by Staff Reports

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