
Dems Cry “Weaponized Gov” in Pathetic Fear-Stirring Hearing – Stand Firm Patriots!

The House Judiciary Committee is up to their usual antics once again, hosting a hearing on the so-called weaponization of the federal government. Now, what exactly does that mean? It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but in reality, it’s just another excuse for the Democrats to bash Big Government and stir up fear among the American people. They claim that the government has been colluding with Big Banks to spy on Americans’ private financial data. But let’s be real, folks, this is just a sad attempt to attack our financial institutions and paint them as villains.

The so-called experts lined up for this hearing include the likes of Dr. Jordan Peterson, a psychologist who probably thinks the government is out to get us all, and Brian Knight from George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, who likely has a bone to pick with anything remotely related to regulation. And let’s not forget Officer Michael Fanone, a former MPD officer who is probably just looking to grab his 15 minutes of fame by spouting off about how the government is infringing on our rights. It’s all just one big show, folks, designed to push their agenda and make everyday Americans scared of their shadows.

Now, Susie Moore, the Deputy Managing Editor for RedState, is on the case. With her conservative values and no-nonsense attitude, she’s sure to cut through the liberal propaganda and get to the heart of the matter. She’s a Christian, a mom, an attorney, and a regular guest on NewsTalkSTL, so you know she’s not afraid to speak her mind. And let’s not forget her love for the Cardinals, the Blues, the Missouri Tigers, and even the Green Bay Packers – a true patriot through and through. So, as this hearing unfolds, keep an eye on Susie as she takes on the left-wing fear-mongering and sets the record straight.

For more updates on this hearing and other political news, be sure to follow Susie on Twitter @Smoosieq. And if you’re craving some real conservative insights, just head over to, where you’ll find no-nonsense commentary that cuts through the liberal noise. Let’s show those Democrats that we’re not buying into their scare tactics and false narratives. It’s time to stand up for our values and fight back against the weaponization of the federal government – one biased news article at a time.

Written by Staff Reports

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