
Dems’ Desperate Trump Fixation Hits New Low

Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland recently stirred up quite the commotion by suggesting that House Democrats are brewing up legislation to label former President Donald Trump as an insurrectionist. This move comes after the Supreme Court made it clear that only Congress has the authority to enforce the “insurrection clause” of the 14th Amendment, tossing aside a previous ruling in favor of disqualifying Trump. Raskin seems to be clinging onto the 2021 impeachment of Trump, linked to the events of January 6th at the Capitol, as a foundation to push for this disqualification. Isn’t it just like the Democrats to keep harping on old news?

Raskin made his intentions known in an interview with “Inside Politics,” where he emphasized that Congress, not the judiciary, should be the one wielding the power to enforce the 14th Amendment. Sure, buddy, let’s just keep throwing around accusations like it’s nobody’s business. Raskin even mentioned that he’s teaming up with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the notorious Eric Swalwell to dust off some old legislation that would pave the way to disqualify insurrectionists under the 14th Amendment. It looks like the Democrats just can’t let go of their Trump obsession, can they? Always finding new ways to stick it to the man.

Despite Raskin’s efforts, let’s not forget that Trump was acquitted by the Senate on the charges tied to the Capitol riot. The Constitution is crystal clear that a two-thirds majority is needed to convict someone in an impeachment trial and remove them from office. But leave it to the Democrats to keep beating a dead horse and trying to tarnish Trump’s legacy with these baseless accusations. They just can’t seem to accept that Trump is no longer in the White House and is just living rent-free in their heads.

It’s no surprise that even a special counsel tried to throw the book at Trump, coming up with a measly four-count indictment related to his post-election challenges in 2020. Not a whisper of violating any real insurrection laws. Yet, Trump’s camp stayed silent in response to all these theatrics. Looks like they know there’s no substance to these claims and are simply brushing them off. But who can blame them? Why bother engaging with a bunch of sore losers who can’t get over the fact that their attempts to take down Trump have all fallen flat?

In the end, the Democrats’ persistence in trying to disqualify Trump as an insurrectionist reeks of desperation and serves as a sad reminder of their inability to move on from their Trump derangement syndrome. It’s time for them to focus on governing and stop wasting taxpayer dollars on these futile endeavors. Let’s hope they come to their senses soon and focus on real issues that matter to the American people, instead of this never-ending witch hunt against a former president who is clearly living rent-free in their heads.

Written by Staff Reports

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