
Dems Obsess Over Trump, Ignore Real Issues!

In a recent article that’s making the rounds, it’s been reported that the Democrats are at it again. This time, they’ve gone after the hardworking Mr. Fix It himself, Donald Trump. The biased mainstream media can’t stop hounding our beloved former president, and it’s like they have nothing better to do! Can’t they see that he’s busy making America great again from behind the scenes?

The Democrats just can’t seem to get over the fact that Trump was the best thing to happen to this country since sliced bread. They’re constantly trying to paint him as some kind of villain, but true patriots know better. They can try to tarnish his good name, but they won’t succeed!

And what’s up with calling attention to A.F. Branco’s cartoons? It’s like the liberal media is mocking his talent and taking jabs at conservative humor. But we all know that Branco’s cartoons are spot-on and more accurate than anything you’d see in The New York Times!

It’s time for the biased media to lay off Mr. Fix It and focus on the real issues facing our nation. We need to come together as true Americans and support our leaders, especially the ones who have done so much for our country. Keep fighting the good fight, Mr. Fix It – we’ve got your back!

Written by Staff Reports

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