
Disney’s New Star Wars Show Flops With Audiences Fixated on Woke Agenda

The folks over at Disney are celebrating their newest “Star Wars” show, “The Acolyte,” which they proudly claim to be the “gayest ever.” However, it seems like their excitement is falling on deaf ears.

The show’s head honcho, Leslye Headland, boasted about the show’s supposedly groundbreaking gay themes in an interview, reveling in audience members praising its LGBTQ+ representation. It’s no secret that the liberal elites in Hollywood love pushing their agenda onto the masses, especially through beloved franchises like Star Wars.

Now, let’s set the record straight. Star Wars has always been a classic piece of American entertainment, but this new wave of forced diversity and political correctness is turning off many longtime fans. And it looks like the general public is in agreement.

Despite receiving glowing reviews from the outrageously biased critics, who gave it an undeservedly high 90% on Rotten Tomatoes, the audience reaction tells a different story. With a shockingly low 26% audience score, “The Acolyte” has become the worst-rated Star Wars installment ever. Even the subpar 2008 “Clone Wars” managed a more respectable 40% audience rating.

The mainstream media may try to brush off this massive disconnect between critics and viewers as just a bunch of internet trolls causing trouble. But the truth is, everyday Americans are fed up with being force-fed woke propaganda under the guise of entertainment. It’s no wonder that Disney’s stock has been plummeting in recent years – audiences are tired of being preached to instead of being entertained.

It’s time for Disney and other entertainment giants to listen to their audience and stop shoving their political agendas down our throats. Regular Americans are saying “enough is enough” to the relentless push for inclusivity at the expense of quality content. Let’s hope that Hollywood gets the message before it’s too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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