
GOP Drops Bombshell “Democrat Naughty List” Ahead of 2024 Showdown The National Republican Congressional

The National Republican Congressional Committee has come out swinging with their “Democrat Naughty List,” which is essentially a list of jaw-dropping actions from House Democrats over the past year. This isn’t just coal in their stockings; these Dems are getting the whole shebang dropped on them by Santa himself.

The website, “Dems On The Naughty List,” is like the GOP’s version of a gossip magazine, only instead of tracking who wore it best, they’re tracking who voted it worst. There’s even a video narrated by Santa, laying out each lawmaker’s naughty actions. 

Take Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, for example. She’s been called out for neglecting to pay property taxes on an auto repair shop she owned in Portland, Oregon. That’s like forgetting to leave cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve – you just don’t do it. Then there’s Rep. Mary Peltola, who voted against a defense appropriations bill that included a pay raise for our beloved military members.The list also takes aim at Rep. Mike Levin for his voting record, and Rep. Marcy Kaptur for reportedly violating the STOCK Act.

All 11 Democrats on this naughty list are on the NRCC’s target list of potential pickups in 2024. The House Democrats, of course, are not taking this sitting down. Their response ad accuses House Republicans of being “wildly unproductive and unfit to govern.” 

The 2024 election is shaping up to be a showdown of epic proportions. With the GOP seeking to hold onto their slim majority in the House, and a whole list of Democrats on the naughty list, it’s like waiting for the final episode of your favorite reality TV show. 

Written by Staff Reports

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