
GOP Lawmakers Storm Border, Expose Biden’s Chaos, Mayorkas in Crosshairs!

Dozens of congressional Republicans made a trip down to the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas to witness the chaos and mayhem caused by the Biden administration’s so-called “failed policies” on illegal immigration. House Speaker Mike Johnson led the pack of more than 60 GOP lawmakers to Eagle Pass, Texas for this eye-opening experience.

In the midst of heated negotiations on Capitol Hill about bolstering border security, the lawmakers took a tour of a Border Patrol processing center and heard from local residents and sheriffs. “We’ve learned a considerable amount of what’s going on at the border and it’s much of what we already anticipated,” said Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) during an interview with Fox News.

Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee pointed out a staggering figure that shocked everyone – the cartels are raking in a whopping $32 million a week just from trafficking humans in one sector alone! And that’s not even including the fentanyl they’re flooding into our country. The blame for this catastrophe, according to the Republicans, lies squarely on the shoulders of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and President Biden.

As a result of this visit, House Republicans are gearing up to impeach Mayorkas and have announced that proceedings will begin next week. In response to this, Mayorkas has reluctantly agreed to cooperate. The House Homeland Security Committee has scheduled a full committee hearing to assess the impacts of Mayorkas’ alleged failed leadership and his refusal to enforce the laws passed by Congress. Rep. Mark Green stressed the importance of holding Mayorkas accountable for the “unprecedented crisis” at the Southwest border and asserted that the impeachment process will commence the following week.

The border trip was aimed at showcasing the dire consequences of the current administration’s immigration policies, and the GOP’s resolve to take action against those they hold responsible for this disaster.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden to Texas: Forget Your Immigration Laws!

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