
GOP Senator’s Soft Stance on Illegals Stirs Party Clash!

The position of Senate Republicans' chief immigration negotiator, Senator James Lankford, has unequivocally expressed his stance on the matter. His stance of equal affection for legal and unlawful immigrants has incited discontent and controversy among his conservative opponents.

Lankford is striving to reach an agreement with Democrats, who are anxious to continue sending billions of dollars from American taxpayers abroad, including to Ukraine.

The Immigration Accountability Project has identified several alarming provisions in Lankford's proposed immigration agreement. It would expedite the issuance of work permits for illegal aliens released from federal custody, increase overall legal immigration to the United States, and grant work permits to the adult children of H-1B visa-holders. Additionally, it would provide taxpayer-funded legal representation for specific Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) and mentally incompetent illegal aliens.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Lankford's immigration philosophy is to respect both legal and illegal aliens equally. His conservative peers have expressed disapproval of this strategy, as it appears to place illegal alien welfare ahead of that of genuine American citizens and lawful immigrants.

Replying "Absolutely not" to the rumored immigration agreement put forth by House Speaker Mike Johnson, Lankford's immigration arrangement was emphatically rejected. A considerable number of conservatives appear to concur with Johnson, as they hold the view that the agreement would merely incentivize further unauthorized entry into the nation and impede endeavors to enforce immigration regulations.

Concern was expressed by Chris Chmielenski, president of the Immigration Accountability Project, regarding the possible repercussions of Lankford's proposed agreement. According to him, such legislation would essentially grant the Biden administration the authority to persist in executing catch-and-release strategies, granting work permits to unauthorized immigrants, and granting parole (legal status) to any individual they successfully guide to an entry port.

As a result of Lankford's approach to immigration negotiations, the Republican Party is polarized. Although he espouses the notion of treating lawful and unauthorized aliens equally, his proposed agreement faces significant opposition from numerous conservatives who argue that it could potentially foster illegal immigration and undermine the integrity of border security.

Written by Staff Reports

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