
GOP Triumphs Over Campus Anti-Semitism, Dems Squirm

It was a victory for House Republicans as the House voted in favor of a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on college campuses. Finally, someone is standing up for the Jewish students, faculty, and staff who have been subjected to a hostile environment due to the support of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. Elise Stefanik and Burgess Owens, two Republican representatives, deserve a round of applause for taking action against this disturbing trend.

But of course, there were those who just couldn’t bring themselves to support the resolution. And wouldn’t you know it, 22 out of the 23 members who voted against it were Democrats. Talk about a surprise! It’s almost as if there’s a pattern here. Oh, and guess who was among those who voted against condemning anti-Semitism? The Squad, of course. Except for one member, Greg Casar, who apparently had a momentary lapse of judgment.

Let’s not forget why this resolution was necessary in the first place. The terrorist attack carried out by Hamas on October 7 left 1,400 innocent Israelis dead. Men, women, children, and even the elderly were targeted in the most gruesome and heinous ways imaginable. And let’s not forget about the Americans who were also killed and held hostage. This is the kind of evil we’re dealing with, yet some Democrats refuse to acknowledge it.

The resolution also pointed out the alarming rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses. Students for Justice in Palestine declared a “day of resistance” and called for armed confrontation with oppressors. Yes, you read that right. They want armed confrontation. It’s truly mind-boggling that anyone would defend or support such behavior. But apparently, some Democrats find it perfectly acceptable.

And let’s not forget about the universities themselves. Harvard and Columbia, in particular, have failed to address the issue of anti-Semitism on their campuses. They claim to promote tolerance and diversity, but when it comes to Jewish and pro-Israel students, they are nowhere to be found. It’s clear that these institutions prioritize their own political agendas over the well-being and safety of their students.

The list of Democrats who voted against the resolution is long, and it’s not surprising to see some familiar names on there. The Squad members, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, proved once again that they prioritize their progressive agenda over the well-being of Jewish students. And let’s not forget about Pramila Jayapal, who has accused Israel of being a “racist state.” It’s no wonder she voted against condemning anti-Semitism.

But the biggest disappointment comes from members like Cori Bush, who just one day before the vote claimed to condemn anti-Semitism. Her words ring hollow when her actions say otherwise. It’s clear that some Democrats are more concerned with virtue signaling than actually doing something to address the issue.

Thankfully, not all Republicans are turning a blind eye to the rise of anti-Semitism. Thomas Massie, for example, voted against the resolution, citing “free speech” and questioning who defines anti-Semitism. While his intentions may have been good, it’s important to remember that there are clear lines between free speech and hate speech. And condemning anti-Semitism is not a violation of anyone’s free speech rights.

In the end, this resolution is a step in the right direction. It’s a reminder that anti-Semitism has no place in our society, especially not on college campuses. It’s time for Democrats to put aside their political agendas and stand up for what is right. We cannot allow hate and intolerance to go unchecked. Let’s hope that this resolution is just the beginning of a broader effort to combat anti-Semitism wherever it rears its ugly head.

Written by Staff Reports

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