
ICE Cleans House: 275 Predators Expelled from US Soil

Recently, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made a big splash by rounding up dozens of foreign nationals who were not only in the country illegally but who had also committed despicable sex crimes. ICE took action and swiftly arrested these criminals for removal from our great land. It’s about time these wrongdoers faced the consequences of their actions!

Under federal law, foreign nationals convicted of aggravated felonies are rightfully kicked out of the country through “expedited removal” procedures. ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) didn’t hold back, nabbing a whopping 275 foreign nationals between Feb. 5 and Feb. 16 for committing heinous acts, many of which involved harming innocent children. Good riddance to these evildoers!

Leading the charge was Mellissa Harper, the ICE ERO New Orleans field director, who rightly stated that these individuals who committed sexual crimes had no place in the United States. It’s crucial to protect our most vulnerable citizens from these lawless individuals who have no respect for our laws or values. Kudos to ICE for taking swift and firm action!

It’s great to see ICE crack down on these vile criminals in major U.S. cities like Los Angeles, Denver, Seattle, and New Orleans. These arrests included individuals from countries like Mexico, the United Kingdom, Guatemala, and others. We must put the safety and well-being of American citizens first, and ICE’s efforts are a step in the right direction in keeping our communities safe from harm.

Despite the left-wing political groups and activists aiming to dismantle ICE, it’s clear that the agency plays a vital role in upholding the rule of law and safeguarding our nation from dangerous criminals. Foreign nationals who break the law and violate our values must face the consequences, and ICE is doing just that. Let’s support our law enforcement agencies as they work tirelessly to protect our country from harm!

Written by Staff Reports

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