
Illinois Splurges $160M on Migrant Shelter, Locals Pick Up Tab!

The state of Illinois, under the leadership of Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker, is pushing ahead with its plans to welcome a flood of non-citizen migrants into the state. The latest move involves the opening of a new intake center and shelter site, which is being funded by a whopping $160 million of hard-earned taxpayer money.

To add insult to injury, an additional $2 million in food service contracts for shelters in Chicago are being extended through Jan. 15. That’s right, folks – the citizens of Illinois are being forced to foot the bill for these migrants’ food and shelter, while their own struggles are put on the back burner.

And if you thought that was the end of it, think again. The state is shelling out even more cash to make room for the influx of migrants, with plans to construct a 220-person shelter in Little Village at a former CVS and operate a temporary shelter at a Chicago hotel.

But here’s the kicker – all this comes after more than 60 buses were sent to Illinois from Texas between Dec. 20-27, bringing nearly 2,500 new arrivals. And it doesn’t stop there – buses have also been sent outside of Chicago, to places like Aurora and Elgin, without any coordination from the governor’s office.

The cherry on top? Texas recently sent a plane to Rockford with over 350 new arrivals. It’s a never-ending cycle of taxpayer dollars being funneled into accommodating non-citizen migrants, while hardworking Americans are left to foot the bill.

The state’s intake center will have six heated tents to connect new arrivals with services and ways to reunite with family members. Governor Pritzker claims that the state is determined to use its limited resources efficiently to help asylum seekers settle in Illinois. But let’s call a spade a spade – this is a blatant misuse of taxpayer funds to cater to non-citizens while neglecting the needs of American citizens.

Former state Sen. Darren Bailey, who is running for Congress, has rightly called for the closure of the southern U.S. border for national security. He rightfully questions the origins of these migrants and emphasizes the urgency of addressing the situation at the border as priority No. 1.

In the midst of this outrageous spending, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is demanding an eye-popping $15 billion in federal taxpayer funds for the migrant crisis nationwide. It’s a classic move by the Democratic leadership – asking for more and more taxpayer money to clean up the mess they’ve created.

The citizens of Illinois have already footed a staggering $478 million bill for non-citizen shelter, food, medical care, rental assistance, and services. And yet, they are being asked to bear even more of the burden, with Mayor Johnson warning that without federal investment, the entire country is at stake.

It’s clear that Democratic leadership has led Illinois down a path of financial irresponsibility and misplaced priorities. While hardworking Americans struggle to make ends meet, their tax dollars are being squandered on accommodating non-citizen migrants. It’s high time for the government to put the needs of its own citizens first and address the crisis at the southern border before it’s too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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