The saga surrounding Hunter Biden resembles a modern-day Shakespearean tragedy, yet it’s riddled with farce. Two courageous IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley, and Joseph Ziegler, have pulled back the curtain on what can only be described as the VIP treatment received by Biden Jr. from the Department of Justice and IRS. A guilty plea for nine counts of tax evasion should have marked a turning point for accountability. Still, it only emphasizes the stark double standards embedded in the system, like a bad plot twist in a political drama.
These whistleblowers didn’t just waltz into the limelight; they faced professional retaliation reminiscent of a bad action movie. Despite enduring scorn, isolation, and career sabotage for doing the right thing, these agents received a half-hearted “congratulations” from their boss after Hunter’s guilty plea. Not surprisingly, this hollow gesture only serves to spotlight the bureaucratic façade that exists in Washington. It seems even congratulatory emails require layers of approval, as if acknowledging their efforts would somehow undermine the D.C. status quo.
IRS whistleblowers allege the agency retaliated against them after they came forward in the Hunter Biden case.
“I'm not a wealthy person. I'm just like anyone out there. I live paycheck to paycheck. I'm surviving as best as I can, and it's tough. I’m up against a machine that…
— Catherine Herridge (@C__Herridge) October 30, 2024
In a recent interview, these agents laid bare the absurd bureaucratic nightmare they navigated. They explained that the IRS operates with a glaring bias, favoring high-profile figures like Hunter Biden and slapping on extra layers of bureaucracy that ordinary taxpayers would never experience. The IRS manual even categorizes certain individuals as “sensitive,” which seems to be code for “untouchable.” Meanwhile, your average Joe could face the full brunt of IRS audits without the slightest favor or delay.
The whistleblowers also divulged the considerable roadblocks ahead of the 2020 election, revealing that actions were deliberately stifled to protect the Biden name. This manifests the well-known reality that if you carry the right last name in Washington, you can dodge scrutiny while the rest of the citizenry wonders what they might be hiding. This kind of preferential treatment shines a light on the real and troubling reality that the elite play by a different set of rules than the hardworking Americans who pay their taxes and play by the rules.
As if the plot wasn’t convoluted enough, the duo further affirmed that they were aware of the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop long before the rest of the public caught on. Yet, an orchestrated campaign to discredit this information as mere “Russian disinformation” was set in motion – led in part by none other than then aide to Biden, Antony Blinken. This deep-seated conflict of interest has not only muddied the waters but has cast an undeniable pall over integrity in government just when it is needed most.
While the mainstream narrative tries to convince the public that Hunter’s transgressions are ancient history, this story is far from over. Shapley and Ziegler highlight that many within the IRS have similarly unsettling stories to tell but fear potential retaliation that could rob them of their careers and livelihoods. The sacrifice made by these whistleblowers shines a light on the complex and often murky waters of accountability in government – and it’s about time someone took notice.