
JCN Billboard in Times Square Calls Out Biden for Misleading Inflation Claims

The Job Creators Network (JCN) has called out President Joe Biden for making false statements about inflation. Their latest billboard in Times Square bluntly questions Biden’s claim that inflation was at 9 percent when he entered office. The billboard’s message is clear: “INFLATION…IT WAS AT 9 PERCENT WHEN I CAME IN OFFICE. HEY PAL. HOW MANY MORE TIMES DO WE HAVE TO HEAR THIS MALARKEY?! DO YOU THINK WE’RE STUPID OR SOMETHING?”

Biden’s repeated misleading statements about inflation have raised eyebrows. The White House’s press secretary tried to explain that Biden’s claim was meant to indicate that the factors leading to inflation were already present when he took office. However, this attempt to spin the narrative seems to have fallen flat.

The CEO of the JCN, Alfredo Ortiz, was quick to point out that consumer prices have actually surged by 20 percent during Biden’s presidency, putting a strain on small businesses and American families. Despite the undeniable impact of inflation on people’s wallets, Biden seems determined to rewrite history and evade responsibility.

With inflation hitting hard, voters are feeling the pinch and are not shy about pointing fingers at Biden’s economic policies. Many are finding themselves in a tougher financial spot than they were under the previous administration. The dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs may very well influence the upcoming elections.

Jerome Hudson, the author of “50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Trump,” is following these developments closely. As the Entertainment Editor at Breitbart News, his insights provide a conservative perspective on the ongoing debate around inflation and its political ramifications.

Written by Staff Reports

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