
Kamala Harris Evades Press Amid Praise From Mainstream Media

The national political stage has turned into a circus act, with the main performance starring none other than Kamala Harris. As she makes her rounds across the country, her cheerleading squad, the mainstream media, has showered her with an avalanche of glowing coverage. The aim is clear: paint her as the next Democratic savior. However, one has to wonder, where is the press scrutiny that should come with such a weighty role?

Over the past two weeks, while she prattles on about her credentials, the media has danced around the uncomfortable questions. One publication even went so far as to suggest that her notorious cackles and muddled statements are part of her “quirky charm.” This is the kind of spin that leaves rational Americans scratching their heads. Harris has yet to engage in a single press conference since launching her campaign, opting instead for a cherry-picked series of scripted appearances where tough questions are clearly off the table.

As the days tick by—now reaching 17—Harris’s avoidance of the press continues unabated. Questions about her take on President Biden’s mental state, the escalating conflicts in the Middle East, the looming threat of recession, and her dubious record as ‘border czar’ remain unanswered. Additionally, the publicity surrounding her husband’s past infidelities and her own radical policy shifts during the 2020 elections linger like an elephant in the room, yet she skims over them with ease.

Journalism experts have noted that Harris’s avoidance is likely a calculated move. With her lacking skills in unscripted interactions, it’s no surprise she remains hidden from the press. The strategy seems simple: as long as she can bask in the warm glow of sycophantic media, there’s little incentive for her to face tough inquiries. Meanwhile, the American public is left in the dark about the candidacy of a woman vying for the highest office in the land.

Enter Senator JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential nominee, who is not buying into the media’s leash on Harris. Through a pointed social media campaign, Vance has highlighted the extended timeline of Harris’s silence, challenging both her and the press to face reality. In his view, Americans have a right to know who their potential leaders are, and it’s beyond troubling that Harris has adopted a “basement strategy” instead of engaging directly with the public and their pressing concerns.

One can’t help but wonder how much longer the media’s Kamala Harris love affair can last. Surely, the charade will wear thin, as scrutiny on her avoidance tactics becomes a part of the broader narrative. History shows that Democratic campaigns often implode under the pressures of reality. Ultimately, when pushed, Harris may reveal her true self in a way that even the most devoted media defenders can’t spin away.

Written by Staff Reports

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