
Kamala Harris Skates as Plagiarism Rules Change for Liberals

Biden’s career took a dive back in 1988 over a little plagiarism incident, leading one to ponder why Kamala Harris seems to skate by unscathed in today’s political landscape. The decline in standards could surely be traced back to the left’s increasingly selective ethics, where accountability seems to vanish like a Houdini act whenever one of their own slips up. As far as American politics go, it appears the playbook has undergone some serious revisions; if you’re on the liberal side of the aisle, the rules simply don’t apply.

Flashback to the late ‘80s—a time when a youthful Joe Biden attempted to charm voters with speeches that were as original as a knockoff handbag. He blended some good old-fashioned class warfare with personal stories that struck a nerve. However, the proverbial house of cards came crashing down when it was uncovered that his stirring words were actually borrowed from British Labour leader Neil Kinnock. Once the truth surfaced, Biden was forced to pack up and withdraw from the race. Ah, the good old days when a modicum of honor was still expected, and a little dishonesty could derail an entire presidential bid.

Fast forward to 2024, and enter Kamala Harris, a candidate who has also been caught in the plagiarism crosshairs but faces no repercussions. In 2020, she recounted a charming little story about being pushed in a stroller at a civil rights march. The downfall? That heartwarming anecdote closely resembles a legendary moment shared by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who described a similar scenario involving a young girl in Birmingham. Let’s just say Harris’ timing of birth didn’t quite line up with her grand recollection, as she was an infant at the time of King’s speech. Still, no calls for her resignation or exit from the race, just a nice, cozy silence from the press.

The media, in its infinite wisdom, decided to offer her a free pass while tarring any criticism in a blanket of “old news” or “who cares?” Back in Biden’s day, even a whiff of impropriety could spell doom for a political career, but nowadays, it’s as if the left has changed the rules. Harris remains untouched, a clear indication that in today’s politics, identity trumps integrity. The left is known for closing ranks around their own, especially when it involves selective outrage.

This brings about an uncomfortable reality: American voters are now stuck with politicians who are less accountable than those of previous eras. What the left has accomplished over the decades is a sophisticated dance of double standards, where certain members of society are less likely to be judged by the same metrics as others. So, as the race for the White House heats up, one can only wonder how many more scandals will emerge while Harris continues to enjoy her shield of immunity, all thanks to the liberal elite’s peculiar brand of justice.

Written by Staff Reports

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