
Kamala Harris Speech Falls Flat Amid Biden’s Divisive Comments

Kamala Harris took to the stage at the Ellipse near the White House to deliver what she called her “closing argument” speech. For anyone who hasn’t been trapped under a rock, this performance was reminiscent of a rerun of an old sitcom—same plot twists and faulty logic, just a familiar chorus of Trump-bashing and unsubstantiated claims that have been trotted out numerous times in the past.

The event was not without its usual star power, featuring a lineup of speakers, yet one glaring absence was President Joe Biden, who opted for the all-too-convenient excuse of watching it from the comfort of his own living room. Perhaps he simply couldn’t find his way to the stage or maybe he just had a pressing engagement with a pudding cup. Either way, Biden had his two cents to contribute, reacting to some unfunny comic’s jab about Puerto Rico made at a Trump rally. In a twist only the current administration could pull off, he shifted focus from the message at hand to label Trump supporters as “garbage.” 


When a sitting president uses such language to describe a significant segment of the American populace, it raises quite a few eyebrows (as well as hackles) across the country. Who can forget the days when political leaders aimed for unifying rhetoric instead of name-calling? But it seems those days are long gone. The fallout from Biden’s remarks has left many wondering what the Democrat Party truly thinks about those who don’t buy into their narrative. Instead of focusing on unity, they continue to fan the flames of division and disdain.

It’s moments like these that can show a candidate’s true colors, and it’s painfully clear how Democrats actually view anyone who dares to disagree with them. It’s almost as if they relish the idea of creating an ‘us versus them’ society where anyone outside their bubble is not just wrong but rubbish. If Harris somehow finds herself in office after the upcoming elections, one can expect that same attitude to filter down to the average American, particularly to those who have the audacity to vote the “wrong” way in their eyes.

As the election approaches, there’s no better time for conservatives to rally and ensure that Harris and her party members don’t get the last laugh. By engaging fully, whether through grassroots efforts or simply contributing to conservative causes, the American electorate can send a powerful message that being dismissed as “garbage” isn’t going to fly. The stakes have never been higher, and making sure Harris is sent packing in November should be the top priority for every proud American who refuses to be dismissed or ridiculed.

Written by Staff Reports

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