
Kevin McCarthy Raises Concerns About Biden’s Meeting Behavior and Consistency

In a recent appearance on the “Ingraham Angle” show on Fox News, Rep. Kevin McCarthy shared some concerning observations about the behavior of President Joe Biden. McCarthy pointed out that the White House seems unusually quiet, with Biden mostly active in meetings between 8 and 10 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.

According to McCarthy, Biden often relied on cue cards during meetings, and any disruption could throw him off track. McCarthy also noted that Biden would sometimes whisper incomprehensibly, leaving attendees puzzled. McCarthy mentioned that Biden would often drift into nostalgic recollections of his time with Reagan, making negotiations difficult.

Despite these observations, McCarthy acknowledged that Biden still retains decision-making authority, even if his behavior in meetings raises questions about his capability to serve effectively as president. McCarthy highlighted that Biden can be more engaged in certain meetings, but the inconsistency in his behavior is a cause for concern.

The discussion also touched on the issue of nuclear launch codes, with McCarthy emphasizing that Biden remains the ultimate decision-maker and can be assertive in making decisions, despite the challenges observed in his meeting behavior.

Written by Staff Reports

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