
Kinzinger Celebrates Deaths in Ukraine: Shameful & Tone-Deaf

On the recent brouhaha involving ex-congressman turned CNN talking head Adam Kinzinger, one can’t help but shake their head in disappointment. This fella stirred up a hornet’s nest by cheerleading the reported deaths of 400,000 Russians in Ukraine. Now, that’s just plain wrong, folks. We all know that celebrating loss of life is never the way to go, no matter the circumstances.

Kinzinger took to social media, sharing his two cents and throwing shade at the Russian body count. It’s just sad to see someone reveling in such grim news. His “Slava Ukrainii” signoff only added fuel to the fire. Now, let’s be real here – poking fun at death ain’t cool, no matter where you stand politically.

Critics were quick to pounce on Kinzinger’s tone-deaf post, with some drawing parallels to the evils of yesteryears. And hey, they aren’t wrong. Celebrating anyone’s demise, no matter the nationality, is just plain despicable. Let’s spread love, not hate, folks.

As the conflict rages on in Ukraine, it’s clear that tensions are high, and casualties are mounting. The last thing we need is folks like Kinzinger dancing on graves. Let’s pray for peace in Ukraine and hope that cooler heads prevail. It’s time to put humanity first, not political posturing.

Written by Staff Reports

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