
Liberal Papers Surprised By Backlash For Not Backing Kamala Harris

The establishment media continues to disappoint on a grand scale. Once a bastion of objective journalism, newspapers have long since traded their journalistic integrity for a spot on the Democrat Party’s promotional tour. The latest twist in this moral decline comes during a particularly chaotic election season: some major left-leaning newspapers are suddenly declining to endorse Kamala Harris for president. It seems maybe they remembered that their job is supposed to be reporting news, not pandering to party politics.

Among the surprises, the Washington Post’s editor-at-large, Robert Kagan, abruptly resigned after the paper decided against endorsing Harris. The Los Angeles Times saw similar turmoil, with staffers erupting in outrage and leaving the paper over the same issue. It’s as if these journalists are shocked to learn that their pimping for progressives isn’t a universal requirement. Apparently, they’re simply too accustomed to churning out tailored narratives to grasp that journalists might actually consider the content of a candidate’s qualifications.

Bloomberg highlighted the antics of billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, owner of the Los Angeles Times, who blocked a planned endorsement of Harris. Editorial board members Karin Klein and Robert Greene bucked the system, joining Mariel Garza in packing their bags after Soon-Shiong dismissed their plans. Klein’s lament was that the owner’s lack of endorsement suggested Harris might be just as flawed as Donald Trump. Little did she consider that it might be her own biases rather than any fear of offending the far-left that are to blame for the paper’s woes.

Soon-Shiong took the high road by suggesting the board list pros and cons for both candidates, but the editorial board operated like angry toddlers, choosing to throw a tantrum instead of engaging in constructive discourse. Klein and her cohorts failed to recognize their entitlement. Their reactions highlight the arrogance prevalent in the leftist elite—how dare they not get their way? Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times continues to bleed subscribers, and it’s likely they’ll keep losing readers—sanctimonious editorial board members or not.

So why the media’s sudden refusal to get behind Harris? Could it be a newfound sense of journalistic ethics? Not quite. The reality is, even the most fervent left-wing outlets might be coming to terms with what many already know: Kamala Harris isn’t the right candidate to take the helm. While they may despise Trump, even the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times see how ill-equipped Harris is to lead. She’s spent her political career idealizing identity politics and dodging accountability–qualities that don’t inspire confidence in an entire nation.

At the end of the day, whether Harris wins or loses the election may be irrelevant in light of the past four years. A nation led by a figurehead disinterested in the role has already become a reality under a president who openly admitted he was not in charge. Harris pushing through as the nominee could very well cost them the support of establishment outlets like the Times and the Post, but given the other media outlets still gushing over her candidacy, there are more than enough cheerleaders left to carry her to the finish line.

Written by Staff Reports

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