
Pelosi Skips Netanyahu Speech to Meet Attack Victims, Dems Boycott Continues

The political circus continues as Nancy Pelosi, the former House Speaker from California, joins a notable gang of Democrats opting out of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s highly anticipated address to Congress. It seems that instead of facing the Prime Minister’s words about a critical ally, Pelosi has chosen to cozy up with families affected by the October 7 attack in Israel. Talk about prioritizing optics over substance!

While congressional attendance generally features both parties, a conspicuous number of Democrats are hitting the snooze button on Netanyahu’s speech, all the while blaming Israel’s response to Hamas for the boycott. One has to wonder what’s next on their agenda—perhaps a candlelight vigil for the terrorists? Pelosi’s spokesperson revealed that rather than show support for one of America’s steadfast allies, the former Speaker will be playing the role of the emotional hugger, meeting with those who have faced tragedy from Hamas’s violent acts.

Pelosi’s mixed signals about Israel are hardly new. She vocalized her disdain for Netanyahu previously, even suggesting he ought to reconsider his role over the course of the ongoing conflict. Back in 2015, during Netanyahu’s last address to Congress, Pelosi emerged nearly in tears—not out of joy, mind you, but rather over his disapproving comments regarding the Obama administration’s nuclear negotiations with Iran. One can only hope her tears were of understanding, though it seems more like a confusion between loyalty to allies and partisan theatrics.

On top of Pelosi’s snubbing, the absence of other prominent figures like Vice President Kamala Harris and Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray adds more intrigue to the Democrats’ spectacularly coordinated no-show. Harris has written off the speech to honor a prior commitment, which, coincidentally, probably involves hiding from accountability with a speech of her own. Meanwhile, Sen. Ben Cardin will step in to manage the joint session, adding more irony to an already tangled situation. What could possibly go wrong when a few Democrats decide that time spent with families affected by terror is more worthy than supporting a key ally?

The invite for Netanyahu to speak was extended back in May, and the anticipation was palpable—at least from a Republican perspective. But with protests expected to erupt outside during his address, one can’t help but laugh at the irony of Democrats choosing protest over policy. As their own party members shun a powerful ally for the sake of progressive virtue signaling, one thing is crystal clear. When it comes to bipartisan support for Israel, this particular top Democratic leadership is bafflingly selective. One can only look forward to how they will spin this latest chapter in the ongoing saga of international relations while avoiding the glaring optics that might sink their ship on the world stage.

Written by Staff Reports

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