
Putin Cheers for “Predictable” Biden in 2024 Election Fray

In a recent interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked about his thoughts on the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential elections and which candidate would be better for Russia, Biden or Trump. To no one’s surprise, Putin quickly voiced his support for Biden, calling him an “old school politician” who is “more predictable.” No hesitation there!

Putin went on to defend Biden’s mental fitness, noting that when he met with Biden a few years back, he saw no signs of decline. He even referenced the incident when Biden banged his head while exiting a helicopter, shrugging it off as something that can happen to anyone. As for Trump, Putin described him as a “non-systemic politician” with his own unique ideas on how the United States should handle its relationships with allies.

When pressed about the concerns surrounding Biden’s health, Putin played it cool, stating that he’s not a doctor and declined to comment further. He also made it clear that regardless of who wins the election, Russia will work with any U.S. president that the American people choose.

It’s evident from Putin’s comments that he sees Biden as the more favorable choice for Russia, and it seems like he can’t resist taking a subtle dig at Trump too. But hey, who can blame him for having a preference? After all, everyone’s got their own favorite flavor of ice cream, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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