
Senate Crushes Hamas & Campus Antisemitism in Epic Resolution

In a clear and decisive victory for truth and justice, the Senate passed a resolution today condemning the terrorist organization Hamas and the rising levels of anti-Semitism on college campuses across the country. This historic resolution, introduced by the heroic Senator Josh Hawley, has dealt a severe blow to the forces of terrorism and hatred that have been plaguing our society.

The resolution, passed with a resounding voice vote, highlights the despicable actions of Hamas against the innocent people of Israel. The recent wave of attacks by this barbaric group has claimed the lives of 30 American citizens and left another 13 missing. It is a shocking and horrifying reality that Hamas has stooped so low as to target and mutilate innocent men, women, and even infants.

But Hamas’ depravity goes even further. In a disturbing display of anti-Semitism, students at George Washington University projected hateful messages onto their library, including slogans calling for the annihilation of Israel and celebrations of terrorist groups like Hamas. This cowardly act, shut down by the brave police, is just one example of the rising tide of anti-Semitic sentiment sweeping across our college campuses.

Instances of anti-Semitism can be found in numerous other institutions of higher education. At Cooper Union in New York City, Jewish students were trapped inside the library while pro-Palestinian demonstrators banged on the doors and spewed hateful and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Meanwhile, student groups at Harvard University shamefully blamed Israel for the acts of terrorism committed by Hamas. And even the president of the New York University School of Law’s Student Bar Association, Ryna Workman, expressed her unwavering solidarity with Palestinians and was caught on video vandalizing posters of missing Israelis.

This resolution not only condemns the terrorist acts of Hamas, but also denounces the morally contemptible rhetoric of anti-Israel, pro-Hamas student groups on our college campuses. It reaffirms the right of Israel to defend itself and emphasizes the importance of the safety and security of Jewish Americans. It is a powerful statement of support for our ally in the Middle East and a call for the United States to stand firmly behind Israel in its fight against terrorism.

With this resolution, the Senate has shown that it will not tolerate the spread of anti-Semitism or the support of terrorist organizations in our country. It sends a clear message that the forces of evil and hatred will not prevail. We can only hope that this resolution will inspire other leaders to take a stand against terrorism and hatred in all its forms.

Written by Staff Reports

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