
Shocking: Senate Slams Hamas, Campus Antisemitism!

In a much-needed display of common sense, the Senate has unanimously passed a resolution condemning the terrorist organization Hamas and the rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses. This groundbreaking resolution, introduced by the brilliant and courageous Senator Josh Hawley, is a firm rebuke against the barbaric atrocities committed by Hamas and a strong stand in defense of Israel.

The resolution highlights the recent wave of attacks by Hamas against Israel, which have claimed the lives of 30 U.S. citizens and left 13 others missing. It doesn’t hold back in describing the heinous acts perpetrated by Hamas, such as targeted killings, rape, and mutilation of innocent men, women, and even infants. It’s truly shocking and deeply disturbing that such evil exists in our world.

But the resolution doesn’t stop there. It also brings attention to the alarming rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses. Just two days ago, students at George Washington University projected anti-Semitic messages onto the school’s library. These messages included horrifying calls for the annihilation of Israel and celebrations of terrorist groups like Hamas. It’s truly sickening that our universities, which are supposed to be bastions of knowledge and enlightenment, have become breeding grounds for hatred and violence.

These incidents are not isolated. Jewish students at Cooper Union experienced the terrifying ordeal of being trapped inside their library while pro-Palestinian demonstrators shouted anti-Semitic slurs and banged on the doors. At Harvard University, student groups shamelessly blamed Israel for the terrorist actions of Hamas. And at New York University School of Law, the then-president of the Student Bar Association expressed solidarity with Palestinians and vandalized posters of missing Israelis. This is beyond reprehensible.

The Senate resolution unequivocally condemns these terrorist attacks by Hamas, recognizing that they have resulted in the senseless mass murder of civilians, including innocent babies. Furthermore, it denounces the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas rhetoric of student groups as nothing short of anti-Semitic, repugnant, and morally contemptible. Jewish Americans should feel safe and secure in their own country, and it’s high time that we stand up for their right to live without fear.

This resolution also emphasizes Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, urging the U.S. government to provide unwavering support for our ally in the Middle East. Israel is facing grave threats from Hamas, and it’s crucial that we stand by their side during these troubling times.

The Senate’s passage of this resolution is a crucial step in the right direction. It’s a strong statement against terrorism, anti-Semitism, and the abandonment of our closest ally in the region. Let’s hope that this resolution inspires action and sparks a much-needed change on our college campuses and beyond.

Written by Staff Reports

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Senate Crushes Hamas & Campus Antisemitism in Epic Resolution

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