
Swalwell’s Hypocrisy Unveiled as He Plays Guardian Angel to Hunter Biden

Eric Swalwell, a prominent member of the leftist swamp in Congress, has once again found himself at the center of a scandal, this time as Hunter Biden’s loyal sidekick. The man who was previously entangled with a Chinese spy and removed from the House Intelligence Committee due to his association with the inveterate liar Adam Schiff, has now stepped into a whole new level of embarrassment.

Swalwell has shamelessly admitted to reserving space for Hunter Biden’s news conference, which coincided with Biden’s scheduled appearance before a closed-door hearing of the House Oversight Committee. Instead of holding Biden accountable for defying a House subpoena, Swalwell has chosen to aid and abet him in his evasion of congressional scrutiny.

What makes this situation especially egregious is that just two years ago, Swalwell publicly condemned the act of defying a subpoena, even calling for individuals to be jailed for such actions. Yet now, he has hypocritically tossed his own principles aside to shield Hunter Biden from facing the consequences of his actions.

Even Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, has criticized Swalwell’s actions, emphasizing that the congressman’s conduct warrants some form of congressional action. It’s clear that Swalwell’s own words have come back to haunt him, as he finds himself in the same ethical quagmire he once railed against.

The public response to Swalwell’s disgraceful behavior has been overwhelmingly critical, with many rightfully calling out his blatant double standards and lack of integrity. This is just the latest in a string of missteps for Swalwell, who has a history of embarrassing himself and those around him, including his failed presidential bid and his involvement as an impeachment manager in the Democrats’ politically motivated attack on former President Trump.

Swalwell’s unholy alliance with Hunter Biden, a well-known exemplar of loose living and questionable dealings, only serves to tarnish his own reputation further. The fact that he continues to be reelected by the far-left San Francisco Bay Area is a testament to the shameless depths of his political career.

In the grand scheme of things, while the Republican Party may have its own controversies and missteps, conservatives can at least take solace in the fact that they are not aligned with the likes of Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell. Their embarrassing antics are a stark reminder of the morally bankrupt landscape of the left.

It’s no wonder that The Western Journal, and other conservative voices, face constant backlash from Big Tech and woke advertisers. The truth is often labeled as “dangerous” in today’s society, simply because it challenges the prevailing narrative. If you stand for truth and freedom, consider supporting The Western Journal and their fight against censorship.

In the end, Eric Swalwell’s betrayal of his own principles and his unscrupulous behavior only serve to highlight the stark contrast between the left’s moral bankruptcy and the conservative values that aim to uphold the truth and defend traditional American values.

Written by Staff Reports

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