
Texas Fights Back: Suing Biden Admin for Razor Wire Pandemonium!

In a bold move against the Biden administration, the great state of Texas has taken legal action to protect its border security efforts. Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued the administration, demanding that federal agents stop cutting Texas’s razor wire along the Rio Grande, where migrants have been getting sliced and snagged as they try to cross into the United States from Mexico.

Paxton argues that Texas has every right to construct barriers to prevent the entry of illegal aliens. He’s not wrong! It’s the sovereign right of the state to protect its citizens and uphold the law. The Biden administration’s actions are nothing short of an undermining of Texas’s efforts to secure its borders.

Of course, there are always critics and naysayers who raise concerns about the supposed damaging effects of the razor wire. Migrant and environmental advocates, along with some enforcement officials, have called its use inhumane. But let’s not forget, these are individuals who are breaking the law by attempting to enter the country illegally. Texas is simply using the tools it has to protect its territory.

The razor wire is strategically deployed a few yards from the river, forcing migrants to wait in the water for hours. This inconvenience is a necessary deterrent to illegal entry. However, federal agents have been breaching the wire, either to aid tangled migrants or even to gain access to the other side. This is unacceptable! The federal government is not only destroying Texas’s property but also compromising the state’s border security efforts.

It’s high time the Biden administration acknowledges the importance of strong borders and respect for the law. By cutting Texas’s concertina wire, they are not only undermining the state’s efforts but also endangering American citizens. Let’s hope common sense prevails, and Texas can continue its valiant efforts to protect our borders and keep our communities safe.

Written by Staff Reports

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