
Trump Calls Out $8M on Mice Research CNN Scrambles to Correct Spin

In a spectacular instance of liberal media failing to keep its facts straight, President Trump’s recent comments about government spending have left everyone from CNN to the average coffee shop patron scratching their heads. During a speech, Trump rattled off an egregious example of wasteful spending, specifically calling out the stunning $8 million that has allegedly gone to “making mice transgender.” Naturally, the reaction from the left was predictable: more denial, more evasive editing, and perhaps even a little panic among the liberal ranks.

What happened next was a splendid example of media malfeasance. Like true champions of “journalism,” CNN tried to fact-check Trump’s claims and, in doing so, found themselves in a bind so tight it could make a pair of Spanx blush. After initially declaring Trump’s claim to be false, they were forced to quietly edit their piece. That’s right—they had to admit that Trump was, once again, right. In the grand tradition of the left, they scrambled to spin their revised version, effectively trying to add “context” that nobody asked for. The only context that matters is this: the spending on mice was indeed true, and it brightens the spotlight on just how absurd the government’s priorities have become.

Delving into the weeds of this $8 million was an exploration into a bizarre world where taxpayers are footing the bill for research that sounds like it was ripped straight from the pages of a dystopian sci-fi novel. The crux of it wasn’t about giving mice a new identity; instead, the funds were allocated for studies comparing health impacts on mice subjected to hormonal treatments. Not surprisingly, this health-related research is being conducted under the guise of “gender-affirming care,” which is, in simpler terms, nothing short of genital mutilation past its first advertisement.

Further chaos ensued as the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases got dragged into this side-show, awarding grants for research entirely based on nifty jargon about vaccination efficacy and health studies. But at the end of the day, that still doesn’t absolve the administration or its agencies from the bizarre choice of allocating funds toward making these poor creatures the focal point of human gender disputes. After all, when it comes to federal spending, there are certainly better ways to allocate taxpayer dollars than to put a trans banner on a mouse cage.

And yet, CNN will keep on spinning this wheel of absurdity, proving time and again that they’re not just an inept news organization—they have turned into the punchline of a bad joke about leftist priorities. When confronted with the cold, hard facts—like their own inability to fact-check accurately—their reaction is to double down on the nonsense and hope no one remembers their blatant missteps. The mainstream media’s credibility takes yet another hit, but what’s new? If the Democrats and their media pals are looking for a new strategy, they might want to start thinking about more robust methods than “don’t believe your lying eyes.” Unfortunately for them, Trump’s triumphs over these faux fact-checkers are as regular as a morning cup of coffee.

Written by Staff Reports

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