
Trump Triumphs: Michigan Clears Path for 2024 Primary Run!

In a big win for former President Donald Trump, the Michigan Court of Appeals has given the green light for him to grace the 2024 Republican primary ballot. This decision came as a swift kick in the pants for those naysayers who were squawking about Trump’s alleged role in the Capitol kerfuffle of 2021. The court, in a 3-0 opinion, flexed its legal muscles and cited Michigan law as it firmly shut down the challenges to Trump’s potential primary ballot presence.

The court chose not to play judge and jury on the whole insurrection clause situation found in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, leaving that can of worms sealed up tight for the time being. It seems like there’s a good ol’ game of ‘wait and see’ when it comes to Trump’s potential appearance on a general election ballot. The only thing for certain is that the legal back-and-forth could lead all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has yet to weigh in on this whole insurrection clause business.

This Michigan court ruling is in step with a similar decision from the Minnesota Supreme Court, which also gave Trump the nod for their state’s primary ballot. The legal shenanigans in Michigan included none other than Bob LaBrant, a Republican big wig who’s been around the block a time or two. He’s been causing a ruckus alongside other anti-Trumpers, but their efforts seem to have hit a brick wall courtesy of the court’s 3-0 ruling.

The Trump campaign, not one to miss a chance to throw shade, pounced on the win with a statement from spokesman Steven Cheung. He took a swing at the ‘Soros-funded Democrats’ and their failed attempt to meddle in the election via their interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Looks like the Trump train just keeps chugging along, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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